[2024] Simple Steps to Cook Fish Vermicelli – A specialty from the North, Central, and South Regions

Fish vermicelli is one of the most popular and favorite specialties in Vietnam. This renowned dish is not too difficult to make. Below, we will guide you on how to cook Nha Trang fish vermicelli and various other specialty fish vermicelli dishes from around the country.

How to Cook Nha Trang Fish Vermicelli

Nha Trang fish vermicelli is a prominent representative of the culinary delights of this coastal city and the South Central region. The dish harmoniously blends various flavors and colors with a clear, sweet broth that emits a captivating aroma.

Ingredients Preparation

– For the broth: 3 tomatoes, ¼ pineapple, green onions, coriander, purple onions, 100g mackerel (or tuna, skipjack tuna, mackerel …), a piece of fish cake, 500g fresh vermicelli.


Basic ingredients for Nha Trang fish vermicelli

– Slice the pineapple into thin, bite-sized triangles. Cut 1.5 tomatoes into wedges, the rest into pomegranate seeds for frying with fish. Slice dried onions thinly. Slice green onions and coriander finely, setting them aside. The onion’s top should be cut separately, split into long threads, and combined in a bowl with coriander.


How to prepare tomatoes, pineapple, dried onions, and green onions

– Fish and fish cakes should be cut into bite-sized pieces.

– For the side vegetables: Lettuce, herbs, bean sprouts, ¼ cabbage. Slice lettuce, cabbage, and herbs into long thin threads or shred them. Mix all these vegetables together, then arrange them on a plate.


Chopped raw vegetables mixed together as an accompaniment to the vermicelli

Steps to Cook Fish Vermicelli

– Step 1: Boil 1.5-2 liters of water.

– Step 2: While waiting for the water to boil, sauté the dried onions until fragrant, then add tomatoes and fry until soft. Next, add the fish and lightly sauté, flipping it frequently. When the broth boils, add the sautéed fish and tomatoes.


Lightly fry to make the fish meaty and flavorful

– Step 3: When the broth boils again, add all the pre-cut pineapple and season.


Add pineapple and basic spices to the broth

– Step 4: Add fish cakes and continue to boil the broth. Scoop out pieces of fish onto a sieve and mash them finely.


Mash the fish to add sweetness to the broth

– Step 5: When the fish cakes float to the top, use a slotted spoon to remove them. At the same time, add the tomatoes. Boil a little longer until the tomatoes are soft, and it’s done.


Remove the fish cakes when they float to the top to preserve their sweet and chewy texture

– Step 6: Presentation and Enjoyment. First, place the vermicelli into the bowl, then add a few pieces of fish cake on top, followed by a sprinkle of green onions. Pour the broth into the bowl. Nha Trang fish vermicelli is served with finely sliced fresh vegetables.


The authentic taste of Nha Trang fish vermicelli is ready with just a few simple steps

How to Cook Tuna and Mackerel Vermicelli

Ingredients and Preparation

– 1 tuna fish weighing about 600g, cut into suitable pieces for eating, 150g fish cake, 0.5kg vermicelli, ¼ pineapple, 3 tomatoes, garlic, 3 bulbs of purple onions, 3 stalks of lemongrass, green onions, coriander, and Vietnamese cilantro. Accompanying vegetables include bean sprouts, finely cut lettuce, and thinly sliced banana flowers. Basic seasonings such as salt, sugar, MSG, ground pepper, fish sauce, and seasoning granules.

Finely mince the purple onions and garlic. Crush the lemongrass and cut it into two sections. Slice the tomatoes into wedges. Finely chop the green onions, sawtooth coriander, and Vietnamese cilantro. Cut the pineapple and fish cake into bite-sized pieces

– Rinse the tuna with diluted salt water to remove the fishy smell. Marinate the tuna with salt, ground pepper, and finely minced garlic and purple onions.


Basic ingredients for tuna/mackerel vermicelli

Steps to Cook Tuna Vermicelli

– Step 1: Pour about 1.2-2 liters of clear water into a pot and bring it to a boil.

– Step 2: Heat a pan, add cooking oil, and sauté the garlic and lemongrass until fragrant. Then add the tomatoes and pineapple. Add a bit of sugar and seasoning granules, then stir for about 3 minutes.


Sauté the tomatoes and pineapple until they soften

– Step 3: Add the sautéed tomatoes and pineapple to the broth and continue simmering on low heat.

– Step 4: Fry the fish until both sides are golden brown.


Golden fry both sides of the fish

– Step 5: Add the fried tuna to the pot of broth and season. Cook for about 10 minutes to complete.


Pour the fried fish into the pot and cook for another 10 minutes to finish

– Step 6: Presentation and enjoyment: Add vermicelli to a bowl, layer with some bean sprouts, banana flower, fish cake, and then pour the broth over. The tuna vermicelli is enjoyed with fresh vegetables and dipped in a spicy and salty fish sauce.


A bowl of tuna vermicelli is extremely appealing and beautifully presented, ready to be served

How to Make Snakehead Fish Vermicelli Soup

Snakehead fish vermicelli soup is a distinctive dish from the Mekong Delta region, especially renowned in the Chau Doc area (An Giang). With just 5 simple steps, you can savor a bowl of this regional delicacy right at home.

Ingredients and preparation

– 1 snakehead fish weighing 700g, fish spine 600g, 1 fresh turmeric root, 20g lemon basil, 1 chili pepper, tofu, green onions, ½ tablespoon of turmeric powder, aromatic herbs, bean sprouts, vermicelli, and basic seasonings like salt, sugar, MSG, seasoning granules, pepper, and shrimp paste..


Basic ingredients for Mekong Delta snakehead fish vermicelli soup

– Marinate the snakehead fish with turmeric powder, pepper, sugar, salt, seasoning granules, MSG, and finely chopped dry garlic and onions for about 30 minutes.

– Slice tofu into thin strands or replace it with other accompanying vegetables like shredded banana flowers or sesbania flowers.

– Chop green onions, cut lemon basil into sections, slice turmeric and chili pepper. Crush the lemon basil and fresh turmeric in a mortar, then mix with ½ bowl of water, and afterward, strain to obtain the liquid.

How to Make Snakehead Fish Noodle Soup

– Step 1: Blanch the fish bones in boiling water to remove any unwanted smells and impurities. After that, pour 2 liters of water into a pot and add the blanched fish bones. Simmer for 1 hour.

– Step 2: Fry the marinated fish until both sides are golden brown.


Fry the snakehead fish until both sides are golden brown

– Step 3: Add the rice paddy herb water and filtered turmeric to the bone broth, followed by seasonings. Next, add the fried fish to the pot. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes and you’re done.


Add the fried fish to the bone broth and cook for an additional 10 minutes

– Step 4: In another pot of water, blanch the tofu for about 2 minutes. Next, blanch the bean sprouts and rice noodles, preparing them for serving.

– Step 5: Prepare the dipping sauce. The sauce for this dish is tamarind sauce. Place 50g of ripe tamarind and ½ cup of water into a bowl. Mash the tamarind until it dissolves completely in the water, then strain to remove the pulp. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, and minced garlic and chili. Mix well.

– Step 6: Presentation and serving. Place noodles, some bean sprouts, and tofu into a bowl. Then place the fish on top, followed by some green onions and chili slices. Pour the broth over the fish and enjoy.


A bowl of Snakehead Fish Noodle Soup, a true taste of the Mekong Delta, is ready to be savored

How to Make Tilapia Fish Noodle Soup and Wild Carp Fish Noodle Soup

Tilapia and Wild Carp Noodle Soup are both signature dishes, popular in many northern provinces such as Hanoi, Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, etc. Depending on your preference, you can choose either tilapia or wild carp, but the preparation method is quite similar for both.

Ingredients and Preparation

– 1 tilapia fish (about 1.2kg), 300g pork bones, 1 onion, dried onions, ginger, 2 tablespoons of fermented rice/fermented rice vinegar, turmeric powder, cornstarch/crispy frying powder, 4 tomatoes, green onions, bean sprouts, star anise, mustard greens or water spinach, basic seasonings including broth powder, MSG, sugar.


Essential ingredients for making tilapia fish noodle soup

– Fillet the tilapia. Keep the head and bones for the broth. Slice the fish meat into bite-sized pieces. Marinate the fish with broth powder, salt, minced onions, garlic, 2 spoons of turmeric powder for around 15-20 minutes. Then add 2 tablespoons of cornstarch or crispy frying powder and mix well.


Mix the right amount of flour into the fish to fry it crispy without being greasy

– Slice tomatoes into wedges, crush and finely chop dried onions, cut green onions, star anise, mustard greens, or water spinach

How to Cook Fish Noodle Soup

– Step 1: Blanch the pork bones, fish bones, and fish head in boiling water to clean them. Next, fill a pot with about 2 liters of cold water, add the blanched pork and fish bones, along with 1 onion, 1 crushed shallot, and a crushed ginger stick. Simmer the bones for around 1 hour. After 1 hour, remove and discard all solids, retaining only the broth. Then, add seasoning powder, MSG, 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder, and about 2 tablespoons of fermented rice water or vinegar.


Once the bones are simmered, remove them, retaining only the broth

– Step 2: Pour enough oil into a pan to cover the fish’s surface. Heat the oil until it’s hot, then fry the fish until both sides are golden and crispy.


Fry the fish until both sides are golden and crispy

– Step 3: Heat up a pan, sauté the onions until fragrant, then add the tomatoes and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.

– Step 4: Pour the sautéed tomatoes into the broth, skimming off any foam if present to ensure a clear soup.


The broth, with its vibrant yellow hue, is now ready

– Step 5: Presentation and serving. Blanch vegetables like mustard greens, water spinach, and bean sprouts in the broth. Add noodles to a bowl, place a few slices of fried fish on top, followed by vegetables, then pour over the broth.


Delicious Northern-style Fish Noodle Soup is ready for you to enjoy

Above is the method to prepare tilapia fish noodle soup. Apart from tilapia, you can opt for snakehead fish. The method to prepare snakehead fish noodle soup is also similar.

Here is how to make fish noodle soup, a specialty from renowned regions across the country. It’s evident that the process of making delicious fish noodle soup is quite simple and straightforward. Be sure to showcase your cooking prowess ny whipping up this dish for your family regularly!

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