[2024] How to make authentic Nha Trang-style bánh xèo: Super easy with a few simple steps

Central Vietnamese bánh xèo, especially the Nha Trang version, is one of the most appealing and memorable dishes for diners, both local and foreign. The method to make this pancake is simple, so you can prepare it at home by following our step-by-step guide below.

Ingredients for bánh xèo

Required ingredients: 400g bánh xèo flour, 3 eggs, green onions, bean sprouts, shrimp, squid, pork belly or lean pork (depending on preference), garlic, chili, lemon, fish sauce, and cooking oil. You can also pair it with various fresh vegetables such as cucumber, carrot, green mango, and assorted herbs.


Distinctive fillings in Central Vietnamese bánh xèo


Ready-made bánh xèo flour is very convenient, making the process of following the bánh xèo recipe much easier

– You can choose baby squids or if opting for larger squids, clean them and cut into bite-sized pieces.

– You can select shrimp or prawns, but the larger they are, the tastier. Clean the shrimp, devein, and you can choose to keep the shell on.

– For the pork, opt for lean meat or pork belly. The meat can be sliced into bite-sized pieces or minced.

– Wash bean sprouts, lemon, and chili, then allow them to drain. Cut the green onions into small sections, and peel the garlic.

Once the ingredients are ready, you can start making the bánh xèo. In the bánh xèo preparation, the two most fundamental and crucial steps are mixing the batter and frying the pancakes.

How to make Bánh Xèo batter

When purchasing bánh xèo flour, always read the manufacturer’s mixing instructions. Typically, for 400g of flour, you’ll need to add 900ml of water. However, before adding water, you should follow some steps to enhance the batter’s taste, color, and appeal


Mix eggs, chopped green onions, and turmeric powder into the bánh xèo flour before adding water

First, pour the flour into a bowl and add 3 eggs. Add chopped green onions, roughly about 1/2 a regular-sized bowl. The bánh xèo flour package usually comes with a packet of turmeric powder for coloring. Mix it evenly into the flour. If there’s coconut milk included, do the same.

Lastly, slowly pour 900ml of water into the mixture, stirring gently. Stir until all the ingredients are well combined, forming a smooth, slightly runny consistency.

If you don’t have ready-made bánh xèo flour, you can make bánh xèo using rice flour. Just grind the rice into a fine powder and proceed with the above steps.


The batter, after mixing, should be smooth, slightly runny, and consistent

How to fry Bánh Xèo

To make bánh xèo in the style of Central Vietnam, you should opt for a medium or small non-stick pan. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by adding a thin layer of oil to the pan, ensuring it covers the entire base.


Add a bit of oil and spread it across the pan’s surface to prevent sticking and to ensure a crispier pancake

Step 2: Add fillings such as shrimp, squid, and meat to the pan. Fry both sides until they firm up. Afterward, sprinkle bean sprouts over the shrimp and meat.


Add shrimp, squid, and meat to the pan and fry both sides until they’re slightly firm, then add bean sprouts

Step 3: Scoop a ladle of bánh xèo batter and pour it into the pan. Spread the batter thinly, lifting and tilting the pan to ensure it spreads evenly across the pan’s base.


Pour the pancake batter into the pan and spread it evenly across the surface

Step 4: Once you’ve poured the batter, reduce the heat, and cover the pan for approximately 30 seconds to ensure even cooking on the top surface.


Cover the pan to ensure even cooking across the pancake’s surface

Step 5: Afterward, remove the lid. Using chopsticks or a spatula, fold the pancake in half. Press it down gently for a moment, then transfer the pancake to a plate and continue with the next one.


Fold the pancake in half and transfer it to a plate

How to Make Dipping Sauce for Bánh Xèo

To make the dipping sauce with the right taste, follow these steps: Finely chop garlic and chili peppers and place them into a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of filtered water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then, pour in 3 tablespoons of fish sauce and 2 tablespoons of lime juice. Mix everything together thoroughly.


The dipping sauce for Bánh Xèo will have a harmonious blend of sour, spicy, salty, and sweet flavors

Presentation and Enjoyment

Once fried, the Bánh xèo will have a rich golden color, with a crispy crust and a tender, sweet filling inside. Typically, this pancake is enjoyed with a variety of fresh greens such as lettuce, cucumber, shredded green mango, and various aromatic herbs.


The Bánh xèo is wrapped with lettuce, mango, cucumber, and herbs, and dipped in a tangy sweet sauce

Above is the method to make Bánh xèo with the authentic Nha Trang flavor. If you have the time, try making it yourself to treat your family to this delightful dish!

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